Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday, November 24th

What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Do you have any traditions? Go in to detail about your plans for the 5 day weekend.

On Wednesday morning we are getting in the car and driving 10 hours to Copper Mountain, Colorado. I'm bringing my friend Lucy Hall and this is going to be our third trip to Colorado together. We are also seeing my dad's brother and his whole family, and one of our really good family friends. We always have a really big thanksgiving dinner and this year we are going to have 18 people to feed! We don't really have any family traditions, but we usually always go up to our condo and ski. I am so excited to finally get back on the snow. I'm sure we will have one or two family game nights as well, and those always get really heated. One of my best friends from camp is going to come up and spend the weekend with us also. I am really excited for a fun-filled family weekend. 
Snowboarding last year at the condo

My brother and I last year at Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20th

Go out and look up a what all goes on a resume website. What can you find? Include an example image if possible.

A website resume should be much more in depth than a paper resume. It should be easy to locate all the important information that any employer or college would need to know. It should also be attractive to the viewer and professional. It should also have a personal touch to it to show who you are and what your strengths are. Online resumes also make it much easier for an employer to be able to locate you and how you can help their company. Expressing your creativity and ideas help an employer find out who you are. This can give you a boost when looking for a job  because employers have a chance to already get to know you with your resume website.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday, November 17th

Consider the quote below. What exactly do you think it means and how does it relate to Web Design?

I think this quote is saying that the way you design a site or device is not just about the visual appeal. It should make it easy for the user to navigate and work. Design is more than just how sleek or professional something looks. It should improve everything about the website or device. In Web Design, this relates in many ways. If your design makes it impossible to navigate then people will not want to use your site. People should be able to get what they need to get done without struggling. For example, social media apps like Twitter or Instagram make it very easy for people to do what they need to and they also look very nice. The links always work and you never have to question how to do something. The design makes it very straight forward and easy for the user.

User Experience: The overall experience of a person using a product such as a website or a computer application, especially in terms of how easy or pleasing it is to use.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13th

Reflect on your learning this semester so far in this class. Think about the first day you walked in to this room until right now. What have you learned about Web Design? What have you learned beyond Web Design? Explain yourself.

I have learned so much about Web Design! Without this class I would have no idea how to code HTML and CSS, and there would be no way that I could create a functioning website. This class has taught me about color schemes, web design jobs and so much more. I feel like I have become so much more knowledgeable about the Web Design world, and I now have the freedom to explore more if this this is a field of interest for me! I have really enjoyed being in this class!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday, November 7th (MY BIRTHDAY)

Define the following terms on your blog. Do not copy and paste definitions. Site where you got your definition.

FTP-File Transfer Protocol- standard network used to transfer files to one another trough TCP-based networks like the internet.

Web Server-system used to download and connect files and web pages on a computer

Web Hosting
(also list examples of web hosting companies)-provides storage space and access for websites, such as,, iPage, and

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday, November 3rd

Tell me about your weekend. Give me details and photos!

I had a very fun weekend! On Friday, I went to pick up Ellie and we drove around trying to find our last minute Halloween costumes. We also dressed up and went to Chipotle for a three dollar burrito. After almost two hours, we finally found all the parts for our costumes! We were both flappers. We then went and picked up Haley and Anna and went to a Halloween party at our friend's house. The next day I spent some time working on homework and I helped my dad clean the house. Then I went out to lunch with Anna and Liz. Saturday night a couple friends and I hung out and had a movie night. Finally, on Sunday, I went to the JCC for meetings and to do some last preparations for FRC next weekend. We finished putting the name tags together and made sure we had all of our programs ready.